There are many ways to help save our oceans and save our planet. Think about what you can do to make a difference. Even these little things can change our world for the better. It isn't hard and no matter how old or young you are, you can help.
Try using environment friendly cleaning products.(e.g., vinegar & water for windows & mirrors) instead of ones with harsh chemicals
If you see some trash on the sidewalk or park, pick it up and put it in a garbage. Split an entree at a restaurant. My parents do this all the time. Most entrees are so large that sharing one is plenty for two people. It saves money and reduces food waste. Don't buy bottled water. The plastic containers clog up our landfill. Use a refillable water bottle. Don't let your balloon go in the air as a turtle might think it's a jelly fish and then if it swallows the balloon it will clog up its stomach and die. Try not to use too much paper. We need our trees to give oxygen, and they also provide homes other living creatures. Eat smart. You don't have to be a vegetarian like my mom, but you could try having a few more meatless dishes a week. There are so many cool recipes on the Web that don't have meat in them. Buy local. There are so many reasons why: help local small business owners, the ingredients will be fresher and better for you and it may be less expensive too. Also, you will reduce your carbon footprint. Turn things off. My parents call me a zealot. I wasn't sure what it was at first, but I sure am a zealot for the 3 Rs. I like to turn off lights and make sure we don't waste electricity. Every little bit helps. |
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