![]() Jason Mraz singing 93 Million Miles It is good to be back home. Chasing home has been on my mind since my family just came back from a wonderful trip to California. I got to see Elephant Seals, Seals, Sea Lions and Sea Otters. The Aquarium in Monterey was amazing and I had a great time with the Marine Biologists there who showed me what my future job could be like. I'll blog more about that after I'm done practicing my speech for TEDxWaterloo Youth. I'm so excited to share my message about saving the oceans and the endangered sharks. There is so much I want to say and so little time. For my opening music at TEDxWaterloo, I'm so excited that Jeffery Navarro, who is an spectacular DJ will be working with me for my intro. I'm just thinking about all the music that reminds me of how wonderful our world is and why we need to protect it. I really love to listen to Jason Mraz and since I got to see him in concert last summer, I have the best memories of all. One of the songs that really reminds me of how beautiful our planet is and why we need to protect it is: 93 Million Miles. We are that distance in miles from the sun or 150 million kilometres. I hope you'll take a few moments to relax and listen to it.
![]() I've got a new logo and some new photos on my website that I'm so excited to share with everyone. I did this for a lot of reasons. My mentor, Lesley Rochat has a new website called SharkWarrior.com. I'm really lucky to be one of the four ambassadors on the website. I'm also going to have a chance to present again! On March 27, 2013, I'm really happy to be sharing my message about saving our oceans and sharks with all the students and grown-ups attending TEDxWaterloo Youth. What's that, you ask? Well, TEDxWaterloo Youth is part of TEDxWaterloo. I got this from the TEDxWaterloo website: "We are a group of volunteers who are passionate about bringing the TED mission of Ideas Worth Spreading to our community. Tapping into the local hotbed of creativity, technology, education and innovation, we are combining our skills, talents, expertise and enthusiasm to bring you remarkable speakers with powerful ideas. As we enter into our third successful year, TEDxWaterloo continues to be completely volunteer run and supported by many generous community-minded companies and organizations. We invite you to be part of this shared experience. TED, by the way, is an acronym for Technology, Entertainment, Design." TEDxWaterloo Youth is about "chasingHOME – a celebration of young minds and the thought leaders of tomorrow. Designed specifically for youth by youth, TEDxYouth@Waterloo showcases the talents, creativity and imagination of some of the most diverse and interesting speakers in Canada while enabling the spark of ideas worth spreading." I'm really looking forward to being a voice for our oceans and helping people find ways to be a voice for something they are passionate about. There are so many ways we can make a difference at home, in our community and in the world. Chasing Home is all of those things for me. Most of all, it is about reminding people that they are not alone. What they believe in is important and when they tell someone about it, their message can grow wings and find its way home to the hearts of others. Remember everyone - with every drop of water we drink, we're connected to the oceans and we're connected to each other. You're not alone. I'm right here with you. Keep on believing that you can make change happen. You can make a difference! |
![]() Maddie Cranston,
--Ocean Warrior "We never know the worth of water till the well is dry." ~Thomas Fuller, Gnomologia, 1732 Archives
April 2018